Can I Settle My Personal Injury Case Without a Lawyer?

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Can I Settle My Personal Injury Case Without a Lawyer?

The simple answer? Yes. The smart answer, Definitely not.

Settling On Your Own Is Difficult and ComplicatedOver the years we have had several clients come to us after attempting to settle their Pennsylvania personal injury case with an insurance company. The result has always been the same. Attorney Biscontini has been able to settle their personal injury claims for several times what an insurance company offered.

For example, a woman was side-swiped by a tractor trailer while driving on Interstate 81 near Scranton, Pennsylvania. After injuring her neck and treating with a chiropractor and physical therapist, she was able to negotiate the insurance company up to their “final offer” of $17,500.00. After only a few months of Attorney Biscontini’s representation, she settled her personal injury case for $65,000.00.

Why? Several reasons, including, but not limited to:

  1. Insurance companies are in the business of making/saving money.
  2. Insurance adjusters know injured victims are often desperate for money.
  3. The insurance adjuster has limited settlement authority until after a Pennsylvanian personal injury lawyer is retained.
  4. The insurance company knows that the injured victim is not as well-versed in personal injury law, settlement negotiations, fair market value or civil procedure.
  5. The insurance adjuster knows that the threat of litigation is not present without a personal injury attorney.

Injured At Work Or On The Job

There is also a very important legal concept an injured person should be aware of; liens/third-party subrogation. In many cases, before a Pennsylvania injury victim can receive settlement money for a personal injury case, they must protect the legal/financial rights of various insurance companies and government entities, such as the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services and Medicare. Failure to protect a government entity’s right of third-party recovery can result in a substantial judgment against or even loss of future government benefits. An experienced Pennsylvania personal injury attorney can ensure that not only are lien holders’ rights protected, whereby resulting in your rights being protected, but can also use a lien to your advantage and increase the amount of money being offered to settle.

The Pennsylvania personal injury team at the Biscontini Law Firm will ensure that insurance companies know that you mean business and you will not settle your case for a fraction of what it is truly worth.

If you or someone you know has been injured, call the Biscontini Law Firm for a free consultation at (570) 283-7777.


The information obtained in this website or the page Can I Settle My Personal Injury Case Without a Lawyer? is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual and unique situation. Our office invites you to contact us to set up a free consultation with an attorney to review your potential matter. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to our office until such time as a formal attorney-client relationship has been established.



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