To Give a Statement or Not Give a Statement?

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When investigating an accident, law enforcement needs to paint a clear picture of the event. As you can see, they do this by gathering as much relevant information as possible followed by reporting their findings. The police report is the ultimate written record of what happened in the accident and who is at fault. Above all, the insurance company’s job is to look out for the best interests of their clients. Even when the driver is at fault, their insurance wants to lower costs as much as possible.

The Car Insurance Company of the Driver That Caused My Car Accident Wants a Recorded Statement: What Should I Say?

The safe and smart answer, NOTHING! In Pennsylvania, if you have been injured as a result of a neglected driver, you have no obligation to speak to their insurance company. You don’t need to give them any statement. Their insurance adjuster who keeps calling you has two (2) goals. These are to save the company money and to investigate the accident. Giving an innocent and honest answer can cost you money!


Let’s say that a driver runs a stop sign t-boning your car which is lawfully in an intersection. Several days later, you begin to feel a burning pain in the back of your neck. Additionally, you feel a tingling sensation going down your right arm. However, immediately following the accident, you spoke with that driver’s insurance company telling them you had no issues aside from a headache. Does that insurance company value your claim only based upon your original statement?

Fortunately, there are ways to help. A Pennsylvania car accident lawyer at the Biscontini Law Firm can speak to the other driver’s insurance company. On the call, we can relay all pertinent information such as: what parts of your body have been injured, if you are seeking medical treatment, and provide information pertaining to your own automobile insurance policy. Before filing a lawsuit, you have certain rights that an experienced personal injury attorney should recognize and protect. Contact our team today to schedule a consultation.


The information obtained in this website or the page To Give a Statement or Not Give a Statement? is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual and unique situation. Our office invites you to contact us to set up a free consultation with an attorney to review your potential matter. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to our office until such time as a formal attorney-client relationship has been established.



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